
It's a bug

Its here, its there, its everywhere.

Colours and mixes, tours and misfits. Its there, its here, its anywhere. Beer and dears, misters and mistresses. Parallel dimension, oh what a creation. Vibrant as an echo strunged cord guitar, loud inside a tar. We repel whats inside, misleading the tide, oh what a ride. Ha, im a guy, that passes by, says hi and bye.

I know who I am, I believe in what I stand for, what I do, how I do it. The reason why I do it. I live, for others, at least, how I want to live. I want my world, to see the wonderful smile of everybody elses world. The joy of a stranger, the laughter of a friend, the smile of a loved one.

The peace of seeing everyone share the best of creations, the best of what live can bring, a single construct of a bunch of white towers attached together up and down, with a semi circle of red tainted skin.

Is there any other reason to live? Is there something better than seeing a beautiful smile? It makes everyone shine, it creates the perfect solution to a dark day.

I've seen many smiles and heard a thousand different laughters, its what I do, its what I love.

Between you and me, haven't you ever seen how, a simple smile, a small laughter brings people closer together? A smile breaks even the toughest of walls, a laughter cheers even the grumpiest of souls.


Don't let go

It's been a crazy day.

Searching around, looking for answers, to why and how, life goes on and about. Researching the concept of living and the reason behind emotions.

It's been a long day.

Wasted hours gone by, i'm still trying to pass a wall, it seems that, no matter what I do, I can't get past it. I try all sort of things, I do anything and that wall seems to still challenge my every move.

But, I stop and wonder.

Every challenge, every error, unpredictability, situation, etc.. is some form of wall, some we pass, some we jump and others we crumble. But, this wall, its different from that, its one of the biggest walls I've stumbled upon. I realize now that, probably, no matter what I do, I won't get beyond it, and, i'm happy.

This is why.

It's a challenge. People, each one of us, grow from challenges. When we pass or complete the challenge, we learn but we also forget. Since that wall is gone, it means that the experience gained from it dissipates little by little until another wall with the same characteristics appear again. So, im happy that, this wall, this giant, clean cut, no doors, no stepping stones or holes wall, is unbeatable for me, because every attempt, every move, its more experience, its more learning. I'm not letting go, i'm not going anywhere, this wall, this one wall, is my key, not to a promise land, not to heaven, it's my goal, it's my dream of life.

I'm not letting go.