ragamofin squidilicious
Javi. says:
now say that three times ja!
=- - jaime - says:
ragamofin squidilicious ragamofin squidilicious ragamofin
Javi. says:
i said say it not write it, thast cheating
=- - jaime - says:
Javi. says:
dont u know how to read
=- - jaime - says:
Javi. says:
Javi. says:
that saves me the problem
=- - jaime - says:
Javi. says:
tell me something, if a fish gets a leg, crosses the san francisco bridge drinking holland beer, flies to vancouver cuz that was his dream, but then, when he gets there eats a fly, that causes him cancer, which gets cured by a moth, do u think that it will rain today?
=- - jaime - says:
probably, its the butterfly effect
Javi. says:
i know!
Javi. says:
i just told my dad and he said i should be careful with the radioactive cord
Javi. says:
aint he weird!
=- - jaime - says:
it has nothing to do with the psychoanalisis of the fish more with the temperature of globalization
Javi. says:
but if we take that the fish lives in water which is moved by the moons evil powers, dont u think that temperature that globalizes the ants has anything to do with beer?
=- - jaime - says:
well beer has water in it so when the moon causes the tides to rise in order to cause demonic destruction and then the water cycles takes effect(same water which the ants drink ) then i suppose it does have something to do
Javi. says:
oh so that means that the butterfly effect only takes part when drinking beer with ants that at the same time throw rocks at ducks
=- - jaime - says:
well, maybe. you see, if the drunk ants do throw rocks at ducks then it depends on the strength of ant so that when the rock does hit the duck and the duck cause shrieking sound of pain, this sound will echo into the world scaling up to monstruos typhoons, tornados and hurricanes
Javi. says:
ok fine u win
=- - jaime - says:
Javi. says:
i cant go against a duck of doom

=- - jaime - says:
=- - jaime - says:
i thought about that
Javi. says:
next time, no small feather animals of doom can be played